
About Me

'I am different , not less .' Temple Grandin A little introduction and a hello from me. What to say?  My name is Sarah and I am 37 years old.  I live in the North West of England and wanted a place to share my story. Having been diagnosed with autism as an adult, I wanted to share my experiences, trials and tribulations and of course the down right funny! So, you are thinking “If I keep reading, what’s in it for me?” " What journey will you take me on?" I want you to feel you are not alone,  I want to invite you all to the virtual party.   

Autism - What is it?

The first place I was signposted to after diagnosis was the National Autistic Society.  They are the UK’s largest provider of specialist autism services.

They state that “Autism is a lifelong, developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with and relates to other people, and how they experience the world around them.  There is no known cure for autism, but support can improve quality of life” 

Autism is a spectrum disorder.  This means that there are a wide range of symptoms and severities, meaning there is a wide degree of variation in the way it affects each individual.  We all share certain difficulties, but these difficulties will affect us in different ways.

You may have heard different names for autism such as Asperger syndrome, high functioning, atypical autism, autistic spectrum disorder (ASD), autistic spectrum condition (ASC) and pathological demand avoidance (PDA).  Today, ASD is the most commonly used diagnostic term.

I do see, hear and feel the world around me differently. I do not know how to intuitively communicate and interact with people.  I struggle to build rapport and feel that my social differences mean people do not understand me.  

I am of above average intelligence but struggle with understanding and processing language.  Taking part in everyday family, work and social life is harder.  

I do not 'look' disabled - Autism can be a hidden disability.  

I am often mis understood and labelled as uncaring, insensitive and dismissive of others.  I have restrictive and repetitive patterns of behaviours, activities and interests.  

I have difficulty in interpreting both verbal and nonverbal language such as gestures and tone of voice.  I do take everything literally much to everyone's amusement!

Vagueness annoys the hell out of me as do abstract concepts.  I need to see it to understand it, I am very much a visual learner.  

I often seek time alone when the world is too peopley.  I like LOVE routine and rules.  

I am sound sensitive and certain noises will make me turn into the Incredible Hulk.  Some days I sit with my hands over my ears.  

I hate to be touched by others, it makes my skin crawl, yet I love to be affectionate with my children and animals.

This is just part of my autism identity, this is me.


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